The universal language of brotherly love must be jumping on the bed with a ring pop! In all honesty, I had to promise the ring pops in order to get the boys to settle down long enough to get that fabulous family photo on the last post. I guess you don't get a lot for ring pops these days.
Reed and Nash have had a good day. After naptime, we headed to Macaroni Grill. Yes, Taipei has a Macaroni Grill and it was good. On the way we spotted a Chili's and a TGIFridays. The issue was that it was pretty expensive, the non-issue is that we needed a celebratory meal to celebrate the brothers coming together.
I know that the photo above is blurry but look at Nash's smile! I don't want to paint a picture that the boys have gotten along better than peanut butter and jelly, but they have done exceptionally well with each other. Probably better than Abbey or I expected. They've had fun in the bathtub (another post) and have shared trains (another obvious universal language).
Reed wanted Nash to sleep in the big bed with us tonight, but we had ordered a crib for Will to sleep in. Apparently, Nash likes sleeping in the crib, so he crawled in it and wanted to sleep there. That's okay with us, but it left us thinking that we might need to figure something out for him when we get home. Anyone got a toddler bed we could borrow?
Namesakes. William Earl and William Arthur. Abbey and I call Reed, Reedy. Reedy has started calling Nash, Nashy. Guess who Abbey doesn't want us to add an "ie" to? If you guessed "Willie", you are correct!

Lola is very impressed by how smart Nash is. He is very smart and very advanced for a 2.5 year old.
Here's a video from the meeting. I've got lots more pictures, but I should really be asleep. I'll try to wake up early and post some more.
Meet the brothers from Jeff Land on Vimeo.
On another note, please pray for our dear friends Danny and Megan who are at the hospital awaiting the arrival of baby Emma.
thanks so much for allowing us in to your special time!!!!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!! I know what a relief it is to have your family under one roof after an adoption journey. Nothing quite like that ache to leave one child (or set of children) to gather another (or more!).
Dorothy and Nash must be about the same age. Dorothy turns 3 in November. :-)
Continued prayers for bonding and travel!
We are so excited for y'all!
Please keep these pictures and videos coming!! I love waiting for updates all day :)
We will still be praying for the boys to fall in love with each other and for God to be in every transition as y'all make your way home...
You all are so blessed! What a wonderful video of the boys together. Keep the pictures coming; I'm enjoying every single post!
It brought tears to my eyes to see Reed with his 2 brothers. What an amazing time all of you are having!! It's been a real treat to watch your family grow. Congratulations!!
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