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Friday, October 29, 2010

Trick or Treat! Monkey Boys!

Our town square businesses offer "trick or treaters" the chance to come by and get candy during the business day. Since Halloween is Sunday, they had the trick or treat day today.

Our boys are monkeys this year for Halloween. You may remember Will's monkey costume as Reed's first Halloween costume.

Is this not one of the most adorable monkeys you've ever seen. Wait until you see the other two.

It's so funny when little babies are costumed up, because they have NO clue what's going on. Don't you wonder what is going through their heads?

Reed LOVES his costume!

The boys being monkeys is SO appropriate! They act just like monkeys.

Nash does everything Reed does, so he was thrilled to be in his monkey suit just like big brother.

His monkey face was funny.

The monkey boys love each other so much.

Nash is really picking up his English quickly now.

Thanks in part to Reed. Reed has also been teaching him to sing "Dreidel, Dreidel" (thanks Caillou!) even though we are so not Jewish.

Reed's monkey suit looks stuffed. It is so cute to see him as a fat little monkey.

Thankfully, Lori came to help Abbey with the boys today. She pushed Nash in the stroller.

Abbey said Reed kept saying, "This is so cool."

I'm pretty sure that our kids were the best dressed ones out there.

This is Nash's "taking it all in" face.

I think this is the first year Reed has really understood the whole getting candy thing.

Of course, Reed was thrilled to find Britton at the square.

In other news, if you are wondering why we haven't been posting lately, we have lost another camera! It's horrible, I know!

And we've been extremely busy!

Lori was great at reigning in the monkeys!

The weather really cooled off today, so Will had his quilt.

Sweet Nash had a blast checking out all of the sites.

Lori tends to favor the little Will monkey. She loves her a baby!

After trick or treating, they all went over to Reed's preschool and had a Halloween party.

Nash enjoyed getting to hang out with Reed's classmates.

Sunday night the monkeys will be joined with "Mama" and the "Doctor" so be watching for our little family.


Anonymous said...

I love the costumes. They are so cute!

Kerry said...

That picture of Will looking into the camera is the sweetest one of him yet! I've loved that monkey outfit since Reed wore it. The big monkeys look great too! It is kinda nice to do a little practice run with the businesses at Halloween before the big day. Holly did the same today, too and like Reed, totally "gets" the whole concept now!