Can you feel it? Smell it? Almost taste it? The first sign of it appeared in the stores the other day. Along with the seasonal decorations, the appearance of candy corn reminded me of it. Fall! Football games, long walks in the crisp air, blue jeans and long sleeve t-shirts, and the beautiful changing of leaves. When I stop to think of about it, it really brings about a moment of reflection and thanksgiving.
God has blessed me with so much, and I give Him so little in return. And sometimes I complain about that! Sure, decisions can be difficult at times, and not repaying evil with evil can be so frustrating - almost maddening, yet it comes nowhere near the sacrifice my Father made for me. My humaness wants to get people back or hurt others as they hurt me. However, God's example quickly puts me in my place. Think of how many times we mess up, and as long as we repent of our sins and ask forgiveness, He wipes the slate clean. Yet at times life can be such a struggle, and I know only God can see me through. I am humbled by Him and amazed he would put up with something like me!
So, as God's beautiful creation changes around you and me, I hope it serves as a reminder of God's unchanging love, grace, and goodness. And, as Charles Stanley says, "Another reason believers want to pursue God's ideal ... is God's promise to reward a life of obedience to Him. [...] Your (and mine!) behavior determines the eternal reward you will recieve." See Hebrews 11:6. "God will surely reward us for making choices that please Him." So, if you are currently struggling with how to handle a situation or how to treat a person, hopefully this will provide you with some instruction and motivation for doing the Godly thing. Happy Fall!
(Note: If you haven't figured it out already, this is Abbey. Jeff is out of town teaching a conference.)
Abbey, thank you for posting this. I think God put it on your heart for more than just your benefit. I know I struggle with the same things at times. It's always good to be reminded of just how good God is and how undeserving we are of His love and mercy. We do indeed have a great deal for which to be thankful!
I thank God for the gift of friends, of which you and Jeff are two of the greatest! I can't help but quote a line from my favorite movie, "Return To Me", which says, "it's those with the greatest character that God gives the most challenges". I think that may interpret to a compliment, Abbey, when we're going through those troubles. I don't know for sure that it's necessarily a true statement, but I do know God wants us to be more like Him, and unfortunately the only way to purify us is through the fiery trials of life.
Thanks again, and Happy Fall to you, too.
Have I ever told you how much I love fall! It was one of the things I missed most when I moved to China to live in "the city of eternal spring". (Not my slogan, but their's!) So, your e-mail made me realize how grateful I am about my relationship with God and all the things that He has blessed me with. However, it also made me sad! I don't think we have fall in Florida! :( Did I tell you that next week I will actually have internet at my house...today I am at Panera Bread doing a little studying for my stats class!
Abbey,Thank you for allowing me to come to your house to spend the night last friday!Thank you for all the memories I made at your house.I'm glad you care about us[Me,Michelia,Rebekah,and Makayla.]Once again thanks for caring so much!
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