1. Abbey met me at work.
2. We park her car on the roof at LifeWay.
3. We get in the Jeep and drive to Memphis.
4. Meet the IL's (including Ava, but not Brookie - Bad Brookie!!) at Red Lobster.
5. Go home and Jeff lays on the couch, while Abbey looks at pictures with FIL, MIL sat away offering additional insights into the some skewed memories Abbey has, Ava looks for pictures to be used in the wedding.
6. We all go to sleep.
7. We all wake up (thankfully).
8. Ava and MIL go to Market.
9. FIL, Abbey and I go to the "Blue Plate Cafe."
10. We drive to Dyersburg.
11. We leave a large donation for the Dyersburg Mission.
12. We see my Uncle Bill, Aunt Betty Jo had already left to a speaking engagement.
13. We see Granny and her new Highlander (which is nicer than ours - WAY nicer and she has never even driven it.).
14. We drive towards Nashville.
15. On the way to Nashville we see a field filled with animals. Not just any animals, there were Zebras, Camels, Boars, Peacocks, Ostriches, Llamas, Dear, Another animal that looks like a Dear but it isn't, and see a sign that says Crocodiles.
16. Go to Target to pick up some "essentials."
17. Meet Wes and Abbie at Pei Wei (YUM!) where we randomly see Danny, Michelle and the girls.
18. Drive home to our house.
19. Go to bed.
20. Good night.

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