Heather and I went to the Bloodmobile where she went in first. She came out soon after, due to some reason that disqualified her from giving blood. I went in, they interviewed me and I sat on the gurney. After digging around in my arm for several minutes, the phlebotomist finally found a vein. I gave my blood and soon the the alarm went off that I had completed my donation. As the tech moved slowly at getting things done, I began to feel queezy.
I told the tech and she propped me up. That didn't help and so they got me a drink. That didn't help and I told them something was about to happen, when all of a sudden, everyone in the bus knew that I had eaten Chick-Fil-A for supper. Yep, I threw up. It wasn't like the last time that I gave blood and I threw up. No, this time there were about 8 people who knew me there to watch the event. Thankfully, one was able to go get Abbey. She got the car and we drove home. Of course, I was in the back seat in my skivvies.

I felt so bad about you getting sick. When they turned down MY ONTAMINATED blood,I felt like I shouldn't leave you there. I guess there is nothing I could have done for a quivering belly. Well, alls well that ends well. I bet you ate again when you got home.
Someone told me that you posted your blood doning experience on your blog so I thought I would check it out since I got to witness the episode. Your face was as white as a sheet and you stunk up the whole bus with Chick-fil-A vomit (ha ha). I hope you are feeling better today! I feel horrible. Jeff, please don't donate blood anymore! (ha ha)
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