Anybody want to guess how fast Reed is pushing Britton in this picture?
Reed and Abbey went to G'ville with Britton and Tamara today to get some decorations for Abbey's Sunday School class and for a choir fellowship this weekend. First, though, they had to wait on a repairman at Britton's house.
Is it just me, or does Reed look like he is practicing using a big boy potty?
Reed looks cute in glasses, no matter how big they are.
Reed and Britton played in the cart while the Mommies shopped at Party City.
The above photo brings me to the title of this post. Reed loved the balloon wall at PC. It was his own personal version of perfection.
The boys enjoyed sitting at the kid-size table.
Keeping up with Reed is getting harder everyday! He moves so quickly!
One of Reed's favorite things to do now, is to give you things. No matter what it is, he is ready, willing, and able to give you whatever it is that he can get his hands on.
1 comment:
Your son is adorable! I read a lot of adoption blogs, and have never found any from Taiwan- I can't wait to read more!
Nikki for a fresh look to help a great cause!
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