At the last moment this morning, I decided to put the camera in Reed's bag. We put it in every once in a while, in hopes that one of Reed's teachers will take some pictures. Today, in Extended Teaching Care, Reed's teachers decided to take some pictures of him.
We had a fairly busy day today. We woke up and went to eat breakfast at Hardees. Then, we headed to church and dropped Reed off. There were a few tears, but things are getting better.
Abbey and I taught our Sunday School classes and then we had to go and keep the pre-k class for Extended Teaching Care. Since those kiddos will be going to big church soon, we were asked to take them into the song part of the service. We did and they were very good.
We came back to the classroom and we did some fingerpainting and stamping. Today, they learned about how David Played the harp for King Saul, so the kids painted things that made them feel better.
Mary Catherine's mom had ETC today in Reed's class, so MC stayed to help her. Reed love MC.
I guess you would like someone too, if she was your own personal lazy-boy.
After church, we headed Catfish House for lunch. We were able to have lunch with Miss Candace and the Wrights, so Reed got to see his girlfriend, Raleigh.
Of course, Reed fell asleep on the way home, which meant naptime immediately upon arriving home.
After nap, we went to the Batson's for supper and then to church. Britton's grandfather was ordained as a deacon tonight and then we had a homemade ice cream fellowship. It was yummy! I loved the butterfinger ice cream our pastor made.
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