We had a great day at VBS today. It was a lot of fun! Mona Lua Hiki Vicki (our pastor's INCREDIBLE wife!) was the teacher of the Bible study today. Today's story was "Jesus is God's Son." We created story cloths which really kept the preteens attention.
I am amazed at how well behaved our preteens are. I think that they are an unusually well-behaved group!
Laura really seemed to be enjoying the story cloth. Well, actually, she was laughing because I was originally attempting to get a picture of her holding her tongue out while she works. I always do the exact same thing when I am concentrating on something.
Later, Miss Candace helped us make some crafts. Today was making coffee cozies to send to missionaries.
Since some friends of mine from work came to observe our VBS today, we decided to go eat at Abbey's favorite Tea Room. You know that really thrilled Reed and I! Girl Food! Yuck!
Reed did find the oranges very appetizing though!
You tell Abby that when Ellie comes home we'd LOVE to go to the tea room with her and Reed. This will give you an excuse to go to CVS. :-)
The tea room is great!!!
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