Here are the pictures that I promised from yesterday. Reed was so cute in his Sunday digs. Abbey reports that Reed had a clingy and whiny day, but by the time I got home from work he was all smiles again. Tonight we had supper at the Oliver's (who will soon be our down-the-street neighbors, YEAH!) and Megan whistled to Reed. Reed was so cute because all of a sudden he decided that he wanted to try to whistle. It was hilarious, I will attempt to get some pictures.
Since, there isn't a lot of news to report, I decided that Abbey and I would tell you our top 5 favorite household items:
Jeff's List:
5. Pillows: we probably have over 40 pillows in our house, including 15 on our bed. I love comfort!
4. Barefoot Dreams Blanket - I love blankets and like I typed above, I'm all about comfort. I have trouble falling asleep without some sort of cover.
3. Peter's Pottery - I LOVE our pottery collection which is a funny thing because I complained SO MUCH that we had to register for it and now I love it.
2. MacBook - I mean, is there really any question?
1. TV - I watch way too much TV, but I am a unREALITY junkie. I love all of the "next ____ stars," the mole, etc.
Abbey's list:
5. Sofa - sectional in the bonus room, very comfy.
4. Armoire - Abbey sold Pampered Chef and we bought it with her first check.
3. Mimi's Table - It was the table that she and her family had lunch on at special occasions and nearly every Friday.
2. CHI- I don't understand people's obsessions with hair straighteners, but Abbey does love her CHI.
1. Bamboo Spoons - Pampered Chef spoons, but I am not sure why they are her favorite.
So, how about you? What are your top 5 favorite household items and why? (And yes, we all know that your family is your favorite item, but don't list them, list not "people" items.)
5. my mac (and blogs such as yours!!!)
4. my tv (and reality shows too!!!) oh and VCR to tape all my fav reality shows so I can watch them after my two little ones are asleep)
3. my firm mattress (plus pillows and quilts/soft barefoot dreams-like blankets--gotta save up for a real bfd blanket!!!)
2. my honda CRV (is that a household item??)
1. my new farberware potato peeler. Works great (like buttah) peeling apples!!!
Julie W.
5. Pictures of family.
4. Scissors.
3. Quilt that my paternal grandmother pieced.
2. Candles
1. XM Radio
5. My red Kitchen Aid hand mixer...still waiting on the full size one!
4. My Pampered Chef pizza stone
3. Hairspray and other hair products- My hair doesn't flip out naturally so these are completely necessary!
2. My iPod- I could not get through my morning run with out it.
1. My Mac- Need I say more?
5.My dell(to e-mail and read blogs)
4.My handmade blanket by my cousin Hannah ( watch tv under)
3.My Bed (very comfortable)
2.My tv (to watch Jon and Kate Plus 8)
1.My God (can't help it He is my number 1!)
~ Lexi
CHIs are awesome. My sister has one, and I always use it when I'm home. I'm a reality junkie, too. Every time y'all talk about pottery, I think about that trip to Houston we took!!
Okay, my 5, not in any order:
5. My Janome!
4. My alarm has two alarms, a nap function, a radio, you can go forward or reverse when setting the time and it has 2-inch numbers
3. Bath&Body Works lanvendar vanilla linen spray
2. TiVo
1. Inside and outside thermometer...I love knowing the temp outside!
5. my shoes in my closet. there is so much room for them
4. wicker baskets. they organize everything in a cute way
3. signed frame from our wedding. it's hanging by our door so every can see it as they leave.
2. Pink CHI straightener. i'm with you on this one abbey, there is nothing like a CHI.
1. our new sheets. It's like sleeping with a cloud
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