Here are the pictures that I promised from yesterday. Reed was so cute in his Sunday digs. Abbey reports that Reed had a clingy and whiny day, but by the time I got home from work he was all smiles again. Tonight we had supper at the Oliver's (who will soon be our down-the-street neighbors, YEAH!) and Megan whistled to Reed. Reed was so cute because all of a sudden he decided that he wanted to try to whistle. It was hilarious, I will attempt to get some pictures.
Since, there isn't a lot of news to report, I decided that Abbey and I would tell you our top 5 favorite household items:
Jeff's List:
5. Pillows: we probably have over 40 pillows in our house, including 15 on our bed. I love comfort!
4. Barefoot Dreams Blanket - I love blankets and like I typed above, I'm all about comfort. I have trouble falling asleep without some sort of cover.
3. Peter's Pottery - I LOVE our pottery collection which is a funny thing because I complained SO MUCH that we had to register for it and now I love it.
2. MacBook - I mean, is there really any question?
1. TV - I watch way too much TV, but I am a unREALITY junkie. I love all of the "next ____ stars," the mole, etc.
Abbey's list:
5. Sofa - sectional in the bonus room, very comfy.
4. Armoire - Abbey sold Pampered Chef and we bought it with her first check.
3. Mimi's Table - It was the table that she and her family had lunch on at special occasions and nearly every Friday.
2. CHI- I don't understand people's obsessions with hair straighteners, but Abbey does love her CHI.
1. Bamboo Spoons - Pampered Chef spoons, but I am not sure why they are her favorite.
So, how about you? What are your top 5 favorite household items and why? (And yes, we all know that your family is your favorite item, but don't list them, list not "people" items.)