Today, I went to a pig pen. No, I am not talking about my Jeep. The owner of the pig pen is the man (the one that is not me) in the picture. I was filming a commercial for our church's upcoming dinner theater. It was a very interesting experience. I have never been that close to a pig in my life. That is if you don't count bacon, pork chops, ribs, cracklins, and pickled pig's feet (just kidding).

The pigs were really great. We had lots of fun filming. I am Delbert Fink in the program. It is going to be really funny. If you are in the area, you should plan on coming. It's going to be a blast, I gaurantee it.

The pigs were nice, except that they kind of stunk. Okay, so that was the understatement of the day. They were RANK! I was also rank when I came out of the pig pen stinkin! Partly because the pigs liked chewing on my shoes and my overalls. Speaking of overalls, do you like my attire? Abbey helped me pick it out at Goodwill shortly before the shoot.
Be sure to check out our post tomorrow: "Movin' Sprinkle Style."
I hope you didn't have on my favorite shoes when you visited the pigs!
great effects on the pics
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