Before you start thinking I have been drinking my strawberry fresh fruit slush from Sonic too quickly and I have gotten brain freeze, I am not! This umbrella really flies. A couple of weeks ago, we came home and the umbrella was not in the stand but it was just laying on our deck. Then about a week ago, we came home and it was on the side of the deck. We put it back, and then on Sunday we came home and it was in the empty lot beside our house!

See, I'm not really crazy. I have tried closing the umbrella completely and I have tried leaving it open. Nothing seems to deter the umbrella from flying away. Once it gets better at flying I think that I am going to use it to fly downtown to work. That should be a good way to avoid the crazy traffic on 65.
Not a lot to report tonight. Abbey is gone to Centrikid camp for the week. I worked pretty hard today on some editing. Tomorrow is my birthday and I am going to leave work and go see Abbey at camp. My IL's are also going to come and go to supper with us. I came home and mowed the yard in the sprinkles (Note, I am not refering to our friends the Sprinkles, it was really, sprinkling outside.). Now, I am watching "Treasure Hunters." It is SOO dramatic, NOT!

Hey Jeff,
Happy Birthday!!!
If you run into Makayla, give her a big hug and kiss from me.
Lisa B.
I know you're having a birthday today, but I don't think you're old enough to drink even now, so just calm down and take a few deep breaths. We all see flying umbrellas at times, don't we?
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