A couple of weeks ago, a friend of mine, FRANK, rode in my car. He could not say enough about my car. Well, he could not say enough about how MESSY my Jeep was. This "Spick" and Span post is to show that I have cleaned my Jeep, I also cleaned Abbey's Highlander.

I cleaned the outside and then I cleaned the inside. The inside is clean and everything has been vacuumed. It was REALLY hot today while I was working on it.
When I was at the car wash, there were several interesting people. One of the most interesting was a family who was washing out their above ground pool liner. I've never seen that before.

I also have started trying to back Abbey's car into the garage like Frank does. I doubt this will last very long, because I don't actually understand the point.
Keep reading, posts for this week will be "VBS Decor" and "What Not to Wear: Cheatham County."
The pictures make your vehicles look very clean and organized, but I'm wondering which animal shelter you called to claim the varments (Webster's definition--a person or animal regarded as objectionable).
Frank doesn't come up with all the good ideas around here, Jeff. I happen to be the person who likes to have the vehicle backed into the garage, the purpose being if the battery should run down, then someone else can just use the jumper cables to start it without a problem. That is, of course, unless you drive an LS which has the battery in the trunk (and which I learned the hard way)!!
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