Abbey left for Tampa tonight to visit our good friend Jane. She has a blog, but don't go check it, because she never UPDATES!
It seems that every Thursday we end up eating with our friends Frank and Sheila. We realized early in the week that we would have to take Abbey to the airport on Thursday evening, so we decided we would see if Frank and Sheila wanted to go eat and then go to the airport.
They were in agreement, so we decided that we would go to a place near the airport to eat. Frank (who knows all things Nashville, and most things beyond) suggested two places: Bar-B-Cutie and The Spaghetti House. As cute as the barbeque place sounded, we opted for spaghetti.
We got to the spaghetti place and it seemed really nice. We sent Frank, the most underdressed of our crew, in to see if they would let us in. They said sure, so we went in. Apparently the spaghetti place was now a trendy restaraunt. We got the menu and it was pretty expensive. We decided that it would be alright due to the fact that it would be a memory.

It was called Ellendales and it had the best soup. The food was delicious as well. There was a band playing the whole time. They were good, but a little loud. It could be that I am a little bit uncultured, but after they brought the ticket someone dropped an envelope by our table that was labeled "musician's gatuity." There was a thank you note inside as seen above. There was also a business card for one of the musicians.
I have seen the little glass jar and I have seen people hand the musicians a tip, but I have never seen them blatantly ask for a tip. I just thought it was a little odd.

After we dropped Abbey off at the airport we went to Opry Mills and had some Marble Slab Ice Cream. Then we went to Blacklion to buy Carah's (see her blog) birthday present.
What a clever way to send us a thank-you note. You're welcome!
What type of band would do that? Who were they?
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