We are so blessed.
When I think about all of the things that God has blessed us with, it completely amazes me. We have been so blessed with our son and now our sons it is just incredible.
Three years ago, when we started our adoption journey, we were a bit frustrated at first with our homestudy agency because they kept changing staff. But, then, we got the most amazing caseworker who completed our homestudy in record time. Not only that, we were her very first homestudy.
Again, when we began this process, we got our wonderful caseworker back and she was once again, so completely on the ball. Completing our homestudy incredibly fast.
Last week, our new agency sent our caseworker the homestudy edits that were needed in order to meet their requirements, we were a little bit anxious because our homestudy agency was forced out of the office until Friday due to the Nashville floods.
But, of course, as soon as Lisa (the caseworker) got back in the office, she called and was working on the update.
And today, she sent the update back to our agency. We are so blessed to have someone like her working on our adoption. This seemingly random event of us being placed with Lisa, has turned out to be just another one of God's insurmountable blessings.
She's the best!
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