Well, after a week's worth of Halloween, I think that we are almost finished!
It started on Wednesday night at church, then Reed wore his costume to school on Thursday for his MDO Halloween Party, then Friday night was the Annual Batson Halloween Party, and tonight was a few houses for Trick-or-Treating.
Cooper was at the Batson's last night looking especially cute.
Britton was a hockey player like his cousin Kris.
Auntie Mo was a bunch of grapes.
Reed had a great time playing with his best bud.
Reed always looks out this window at Britton's house because they had a HUGE spider there one time. He always asks about it.
This was as close to a pose as we could get from the two boys.
This was a little game called flying "opopus".
Miss Candace, the Bama fan, had fun chilling with the boys.
Even Roadie from Centrikid a few years ago showed up!
Reed loves Roadie.
Uncle Danny and Megan took Trick or Treating to the next level with their gift for Reed.
Reed was pretty happy that someone gave play-doh for Trick or Treat.
Today, we carved pumpkins.
This was mine (Jeff).
This was Uncle Bill's.
After our trip to Wal-Mart, with Reed in his Opopus suit, Mia came over.
Ladies and Gentleman, two of the cutest little Asian Babies ever!
WOW!!! REED, what wonderful friends to come to your house....Roadie, Mia, Miss Candace in her 'Roll Tide' suit,and of course, sweet little Britton. Playdough and a Vending machine....what more could a Purple Octopus want????? We love all of you, ENNA
MIA is absolutely precious and so pretty. I had so much fun talking to Mr. Octopus on Skype and also listening to your doorbell ring for the Trick or Treaters. Jeff, can you just imagine what that one treater said at school on Monday about going to your house???? "I went to one house and the man was ready to shut down and he poured the WHOLE Bowl of CANDY in my bag!!! Ha ha When I told that at school, the adults said...."It must have been candy that they didn't like!" Ha ha Love all of you. ENNA
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