After taking so many photos over the past few days, we apparently forgot that we owned a camera, because we haven't taken any since we've been home.
Reed has been detoxing from major attention for the past week or so. It's been trying at times, but we think that he is getting better by the moment.
When we got home last night, Bill was already at our house. I think that he was ready for us to get home. He had taken down all of the Christmas stuff off our house. We came in with a plan and got all of the trees down and the Christmas stuff put away. We finally got it done after only about 1.5 hours!
Then it was time for our friend Jane to arrive at the airport. We went to pick up "Monyuh" as Reed has chosen to call her. Then, we came home and played "Apples to Apples" until midnight.
Today, Abbey and Jane spent some Christmas cash while Bill, Reed, and I took a nap.
You can check the video below to see what I did while Abbey drove home yesterday.
hee hee hee
Was she driving and filming at the same time/????? Y'all are so talented!!! I am so glad that you are home and safe and all of your Christmas for this year is put up!!! Happy New Year! Mom or Enna
I don't know what's worse Abbey taping it or you posting it?
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