Yesterday, Reed and I practiced putting our noses to the Christmas tree. I'm not sure why we needed to practice this, but we did. And, I think we did a pretty good job at it!
Reed loves his new Elmo that Miss Candace gave him.
He also did a good bit of shaking his rear-end while playing his tom-tom.
Then, Elmo and the "bock" ended up in the tree.
Reed told Mommy a joke and they laughed really hard.
He's got to start going to sleep better! Night-night is getting tough. Kay-Kay says let him cry!
We had the adult choir from church over to our house tonight, so Reed and I had to doo-dah.
Our house all dolled up for Christmas. We just love Christmas.
Aunt Bitsy came over to play with Reed during the choir party!
She taught Reed some new tricks with his ball.
We love having a house full of people!
It just feels Christmassy.
I had SO much fun playing with Reed and hope he was as tired as I was. Any time you need someone to entertain him by throwing the ball up the stairs and letting it bounce down, let me know. He is precious. And SMART.
Letting them cry themselves back to sleep at this age sucks for us as parents, but it has worked for Holly. The longest she has ever cried before falling asleep is 15 excrutiating minutes. Now I only go into her room at night if she's sick when I put her to bed, etc. It takes EVERY ounce of willpower not to go in there, but it's worth it! Turn off the baby monitor when he starts crying. It'll make it easier to cope!
Hope I don't sound like a mean mom. Just practical advice. Your friend is right because Reed will figure out how to go back to sleep on his own. Good luck!
I love your decorations, too!! So beautiful!
Isn't that like a bunch of baptists to sit around talking and sipping punch? Wall flowers all of us. Yes yes I am baptist by birth and have seen many a party such as this, heh. But all in all the fellowship is very fun and with Reed as entertainment, how can it not be fun?
Just so you know I was teasing in that comment!!
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