There was no post last night because I fell asleep with Reed and didn't wake up until 9:45. Our digital box was acting up and we couldn't get Fox News, so we were stuck to watch NBC. It was making me sick at my stomach as most of the media did during this election.
We were disappointed with the results last night. I do wish that McCain/Palin would have won. I was not bowled over by either candidate for President, but I felt like we had something to base his claims on.
I was really interested in Palin as well. I know many people were upset with McCain's choice, but I loved the idea of having someone normal in politics. She wasn't Harvard, Columbia, or Yale educated. She was just normal who had a husband that worked. I felt we could identify with her.
All that to say, the Office of the President should be respected and I am going to have to learn to respect President Obama.
I hope that so many Americans who have placed their complete hope in him will not be dis
Okay, enough serious junk.
As you probably can tell, Britty came over last night. Reed has gotten into hugging lately. Finally, our non-affectionate son has become affectionate! I knew he couldn't resist having two affectionate parents!
Later the boys decided to take their shirts off and become little redneck boys!
They were totally unconcerned with the elections ...
... until Britton heard that Obama had won and he was not impressed!
Love the pictures!
Love the pants problem! Doesn't really go with the redneck shirtless look though!
Wow, you let Reed have regular old Crayola markers?! I'm not that brave; Holly only gets the ColorWonder ones that write on the special paper and nowhere else.
I think both sides are being extreme. Obama is not Satan, nor is he Saviour. The world will not end with him as president. Nor will all of our ills be solved with him in office. Thankfully, we know the Power that fills all voids and covers all sin- the Peace Giver, Redeemer, and Lover of our Souls. I am resting in hope.
As you said, enough serious stuff....
I love the "low rider" picture!!! You'll have to snap a similar pic when they're teens (although, I know they won't be allowed to have their underwear showing then!) and do a side by side comparison. :-)
good post. love the pics. anyone who says the media didnt have anything to do with this election is in denial. most celebrities supported obama and it was the media who helped spread the word..
Reed and Britton the Plumbers
Okay, sorry about that. I couldn't resist.
Okay, you don't have to post that comment!!
I wasn't impressed that obama won either, britty!
The two boys together are so cute!
My husband had said Palin ought to be the VP pick way, way before McCain ever made his announcement about his choice...she wasn't an "unknown" to us. We were very apathetic about our Republican nominee until he picked Palin. I am again back to being very disappointed with McCain...not because he lost, but because he isn't standing up for Palin now that anonymous members of his own campaign committee are seeking to DESTROY her. The "leaks" about her have been vicious and it sickens me that they are coming from within her own party. I feel like the party just used her to get the support of conservatives but now that they are done with her they are actively seeking to destroy her because she IS conservative and rock solid and doesn't fit their agenda any more. Personal opinion.
I keep hearing how gracious McCain was to Obama in his concession speech. Well, that doesn't surprise me at all...he has always gone out of his way to be gracious to the other is just members of his own party that he trashes. Anyway, don't feel any need to publish this comment...I was just writing it to you guys, anyway. Just venting!
I will give Obama credit for this...the man is EFFICIENT and organized. He ran a well-oiled amazingly effective campaign against what should have been insurmountable odds (with all his questionable associations and with Lieberman out there making gaff after gaff)...and now he appears to be handling transitioning into the Presidency just as smoothly. He got flack for "measuring the White House drapes" before the election...but, hey, you have to admit he has things all lined up!
I think these next four years are going to be a scary, scary ride and I shudder to think how long it will take to unravel what the hard right liberals can accomplish with control of the congress and the Presidency, but, I believe whole-heartedly that God expects us to be respectful to Obama no matter how appalled with may be with the direction he takes our country. And we need to pray earnestly for him.
I feel your pain--having to watch NBC for your election coverage...OUCH!!!
Anyway, I am just yammering here. Don't worry about approving this rant for publication in the comment section!!!
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