Q: Why haven't you posted in 2 days?
A: Friday night, Reed and I got in a 9:00 from Uncle Bills. We went directly to sleep. Abbey didn't get home until 12:30 AM! Last night, I couldn't get PICASA to work.
Q: What is Picasa?
A: Picasa is the program that I save all of our photos too. We have a google account that I paid 19.95 for and it has 11 GB of space. We have 435 albums and have used 3.3 GB, so I think we're alright for a while.
Q: Is the MacBook better?
A: Yes, the Macbook is better. It has a new harddrive with more memory than the other one had. The other harddrive was completely dead!
Q: What did we learn from this experience?
A: Save everything! We can't find our copy of Microsoft for Macs, and we really need it!!! Also, thankfully, I had recently backed up many of our pictures to CD.
Q: What are Gymbucks? (from anonymous)
A: At certain times during the year, you can spend $50.00 at Gymboree and get $25.00 Gymbucks. Then when you redeem them, you spend $50.00 and use the $25.00 and get everything for basically half-price. Abbey just informed me that you can get up to $2000.00 in Gymbucks. Can I tell you that there will be trouble at LandLife is a certain mommy ever gets ANYWHERE NEAR that many Gymbucks???
Q: How many end of the quarter ECBs did you get for Summer? (from Sarah)
A: I got $3.00 which equals $150.00 in spending. If you take out the $100.00 dollars in Giftcards that I had for my b-day and for transferring prescriptions, it was about $50.00.
Q: How much have you saved YTD at CVS?
A: My receipt today shows $4078.00, but I did 6 more transactions after church, so it's really higher than that!
Q: Do we have a busy October?
A: Y-E-S! Writers Conference for Sunday School this week, LifeWay Kids Conference in Orlando next week, VBS Writers Conference the next week, and TeamKid Writers Conference the next week. Thankfully, I am only heavily involved in the first two. The last two are logistical as Abbey will be out for them.
Q: Why would you put a snake on your blog?
A: Abbey, Reed, Britton, Tamara, and Auntie Meghan saw this the other day while they were walking in the park! I HATE SNAKES!
Q: When are you adopting your little girl?
A: We are currently working with our church to hopefully set up an account that people could donate too and receive a donation letter in order to write off from their taxes. We will then send a letter to friends and family asking them to help by donating money. If we have 39 family and friends agree to donate $500.00, that will be the $19000.00 that we need. Some will probably give more and some less. We're just praying and believing that God will provide. This is a new step for us, as we haven't ever done any fundraising. God will provide! We believe it. Both Abbey and I taught a lesson on provision this morning in Sunday School, and then we sang about it in church. Join us in praying for his provision for this need.
Can't wait to see y'all in Orlando!
When I think of Ava it makes me smile!
How long did it take you to save 4K at CVS? You only need to do that again like 4 more times (but put aside the actual money you have saved at CVS) and then you'll have enough!
Wow! Congratulations! I must have missed a few posts along the way because I was utterly clueless that you are looking towards the adoption of a little girl! ...from Taiwan or China or elsewhere?
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