Reed's smiles are HUGE ego boosters! Especially when he gives one directly to you!
Hopefully Reed will learn how to talk on the phone soon. For now, any time we give him the cell phone for someone to talk to him, he immediately becomes quiet as a mouse!
He could call and talk to us "LIVE and in Living Color" but he might want to wait until my nose looks a little better from surgery. Looks like LOLA and REED are having a blast!! Do well in your conferences and know that we pray for you every day. Love, ENNA
Thanks for posting! I don't know what I would do if I went a day without seeing pictures of Reed! I agree about Reed's smiles- I love them!!
Our boys sometimes still get quite on the phone and then they just smile and wave bye-bye through the phone. :)
Hey...we have that same phone but ours was part of the Chinese recall. Only ones made before a certain date, but you might want to check on it.
Reed gets cuter every day!!! How could that be possible???
Sweet pictures! The new carseat is pretty swanky. :)
Grant loves to talk on the phone - but only when there's nobody on the other end. He will jabber endlessly when it's off and held up to his ear. But as soon as Daddy's on the other end saying, "Hey Buddy! Say Da-da! Say Da-da!"... you could hear a pin drop. He just stares into the distance, or smiles at me. I think he's trying to figure the whole thing out. ("Um, Mom... why is Daddy in there??") LOL.
Hugs to Reed!
Heh... Megan likes to talk on the phone. She'll pick it up and put it to the side of her head and say "Hey!" If she gets her hand on the the TV remote, she'll pick that up and put it next to her head and say "hey!". Two mornings ago at about 6 AM, she stood up in her crib, put her hand next to her head and said "hey!" loudly and repeatedly... till someone answered (i.e. us, trying to squeeze a few more minutes of sleep out of the early AM).
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