Reed has many names, so let's go over just a few. His passport says Yang Kai-Cheng, but his Visa paper work says ...
Drake Reed Kai Land. We decided that we wanted to keep Kai as part of his name to not forget who he was at birth. I feel like his birth family really appreciated that. We are going to call him Reed most of the time but sometimes ...
I call him Reedo. He just looks like a little guy destined for a nickname. When he's doing something really cute we call him ...
Baby Boy, but he's nearly always doing something really cute. Like tonight, when were laying him down he was just moving around so much that I had to call him ...
Buddy, because I want to be his best bud. I think father's are good at being best buds because they love you like daddies and take care of you and always listen to you. I still call my daddy anytime I need an encouraging word or can't figure out why my car is making some weird noise. That's why we also call him ...
Son. He will always be our son. We love him so much. I didn't know that our hearts were so big, until they stretched even more full of love so that we could give it to him. However, if you ask him, he would say his name is ...
I love you, Reed. We can't seem to quit saying that. Abbey and I both never had to guess whether or not our parents loved us because their actions and their words verbally confirmed they loved us and still do. We want Reed to know that he is so loved by so many.
I told Abbey today, if Reed went to Kindergarten right now and they said, what's your name, he'd say: "I love you, Reed," because he hears that a gazillion times a day. He better get used to it, because we're not stopping.
We are sooo happy for you. The pictures are awesome! My friend is beside me, (Mrs.Land knows who), she says congrats. I will mail you a letter soon. Tes and I want to come and visit.
Your Student,
We are sooo happy for you. The pictures are awesome! My friend is beside me, (Mrs.Land knows who), she says congrats. I will mail you a letter soon. Tes and I want to come and visit.
Your Student,
Hi guys! I'm in Texas visiting family and had to find internet access just to check in on you.
Wowza! What great pictures! And the picky eaters did sample some new foods! I'm so happy all is going well for you. Hope the trip home goes just as well.
He is absolutely fascinated with his toes, huh?
I look forward to your blog to see this beautiful baby boy God has enormously blessed ya'll with! It makes me tear up (not ugly cry!) and ache to hold my boy (whatever his name will be!)
Awesome pictures and you didn't go over board, those are the cutest hands, and knees, and toes, and eyelashes......
Precious - what sweet words coming from a daddy! Thanks for sharing your story with us!!!
he looks like you now jeff sucking his toes. next he will be eating crickets.
uncle bob's , aunt aly
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