Every year the boys each put together their own operation
Christmas child boxes for a needy child. This year, instead of braving the store with four energetic little boys, we set up our own little store on the kitchen table.

The boys were very impressed with the selection of the LandLife Mercantile.

Will had trouble remembering that he didn't need to try out every one of the toys before he put it in his box.

Reed was very conscientious to stuff his box as full as he possibly could.

Nash wanted to study the selection before putting just any toy in his box.

Reed got so excited he had to squat on the table to make sure he could reach everything.

Will thought that the most important part was choosing really good candy for the little boys and girls that the boxes would be going to.

It didn't take Tuck long to learn that Candy is an important part of life so he wanted to help with it as well.

We did the little labels where you can track your box so we will be watching to see where they go. This past Sunday Reed, Abbey, and I took our boxes to the altar where everyone brings ours and church and prayed for the little boys that would receive them.
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