If you have followed our blog for even a small amount of time, you know that Tuesday nights are Chickfila nights. We've been going to Chickfila every Tuesday night that we are home since Abbey and I moved here over six years ago.
We love our local Chickfila. The associates know us and some of them even know our order before we start.
The boys love the play place.
Tonight, after Chickfila, we headed to our favorite store, Target! I had to pick up some supplies for a game night that I am having with our preteens tomorrow night. I've got to try some games for the children's ministry blog that I write for.
As you might can tell from the photos, Nash was not in the mood to have his picture taken tonight.
Tonight the boys also got to pick out their prize for sleeping in their beds for 10 nights in a row! We are so excited that they have done so well.
All three boys fell asleep on the way home from CFA. Reed stayed asleep, but Nash and Will woke up. Nash got to take a bath in our tub, which is a jacuzzi tub and he thought he was in a pool. He loved it!
In other news, we are really excited that tomorrow we get our van back. I don't know if I mentioned that someone rearended us on the way home from church the other day. We've not had our van in over a week and we've been cramming all three boys into the back of an Impala.
Reed thinks the idea of a rental car is really exciting, but even he admitted tonight that he doesn't like cars. We like bigger vehicles like my Jeep or Abbey's van!