Sunday, March 13, 2011

Yippee! Yippee! Nash is Three!

Nash celebrated his third birthday on Thursday. I can't believe that it has been almost 1 year since he entered our lives via an amazing phone call and some emailed photos. We hate that we missed the first 2.5 years of his life, but we've faithfully tried making up for it in hugs, kisses, and words of affirmation.

Will has been really busy lately. He has decided that he is quite the mover.

In fact this cute little guy, or Houdini as we've been calling him, climbed out of his bed the other night around midnight! To answer your questions, yes he is okay, and yes it SCARED us to death!

I ran upstairs to get him when we heard him fall. He was crying. I picked him up, he stopped crying and then giggled a little as if to say, "That was pretty cool huh?" Well, since then we've made his bed VERY low and took out the bumpers to make sure he didn't have any help climbing.

Aunt Ava ordered Nash this super cute dinosaur "3" t-shirt from etsy. We are having his party on next Saturday because this weekend didn't work well. We're having a big dinosaur blowout in our backyard.

Reed has been having fun helping Nash open a few presents and his birthday cards.

Nash has had fun just being silly!

So, Reed joined in on the silliness as well.

Although he is not quite one yet, we think that Will thinks he just turned three.


  1. How scary! I'd freak. If Houdini keeps it up, consider getting a crib tent. I had never heard of them until I saw another blogger with a tall climber use one and have photos of it.

  2. Anonymous9:25 PM

    Loved this post!!! I miss you all so much and look forward to seeing the boys daily and you and Abbey, too!!! Love ya', MOM
