Monday, March 28, 2011

Dino-MITE part 2 (after a sabbatical!)

First of all, several of you asked where Abbey got the decorations from the party. She is as one of you suggested, an junkie. She got them from Dimple Prints. The party invitation was completely adorable.

Getting a family photo should have been easy, right?

Reedy, a very photogenic child, doesn't really love to get his photo taken!

A fact that makes us a little nervous because he is going to be going to a photoshoot this week for a cover shot for a Sunday School curriculum.

Sweet little Will had a good time at the birthday party.

A shot of just the boys! Once again, the Reedster is not having the best day for photography.

Pop was worried that Will would fall off the chairs. He is very protective of his grandbabies.

Emma, Danny, and Megan came to celebrate.

Nash was too busy at this point to get good pictures of him.

Britton came and all was right with the world for Reed.

The Frey's were there with their big brood of boys!

Nash loves Hudson.

Nash loves to play in the sand.

Ellie took notes for her birthday party which was this past weekend.

Abbey made the cutest and tastiest volcano cake. It was brownie base with chocolate bundt cake. The little chocolate rocks looked so realistic. You can't see it in the picture, but I added my special touch of having a flame coming out of the volcano by using pure lemon extract.

Nash was excited to blow the candle out.

Nashy love cakey!

Uncle Bill assisted in the gift opening.

Kooper and Nash are about the same age. Kooper is double the size of Nash. Those Dossett kids are some big boys! Sawyer was born the same day as Will and weighs more than Nash!

Mr. Kevin took some time to hold Will while Carah supervised.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous5:54 AM

    Yea, I loved seeing the pictures of the party....great day!!! My students also will love seeing their beloved dinosaurs as they traveled to Nashville!!!! They had names for all of the large ones. Love you all, Enna
